First, We Give of Ourselves--“Giving in Grace”
This is the title of our Stewardship focus for this year and leading into 2016!
Exciting events and grace filled days are happening at Our Savior Lutheran! Because of you, your family, and our congregational family, the joy of God’s grace in Christ is celebrated in marvelous ways. Indeed, through our ministry together, many lives are being touched with the love of Jesus.

As we look ahead to ministry as a family, we are embarking on an initiative that will help us grow in ministry and ways we can bring connections with people and Christ. This initiative is a three year discipleship and generosity growing opportunity for the whole congregation.

This fall, the focus of “First, We Give of Ourselves” will be “Giving in Grace.”  We will explore      together, the wonderful gift of God’s grace in Christ and how it is the foundation of our life and giving. A special part of our focus will be hearing “faith stories” from our members during October.  It is a great help, giving hope and strength, as we hear and appreciate the faith journeys of our family.

Our Kick-Off Sunday for “First, We Give of Ourselves: Giving in Grace” will be Sunday, October 4th.  Each Sunday we will hear a faith story during worship and culminate in an afternoon gathering to make our commitments on October On “All Saints” Sunday, November 1st ,  we will bring our gifts in celebration and dedicate them for the coming year of ministry.

There will be a special Bible Study called “Giving in Grace” that will happen during our Sunday School time. All are invited! The dates are October 4, 11, 25 and November 8th.

Pastor Stephen D. Barnes